Stop The Diet Game - Live Smarter, Eat Smarter and Lose Weight

So we are going to put away the bottles, number counting pads and video's. Applying some practical principles to the way you think and eat every day, can allow you to eat ALL of the foods you like, lose weight and keep it off.

You can start this diet with your next meal. This is a culmination of several rules that you have been told of or probably followed and one time or another. We are going to mold this into a new lifestyle. The diet is you. You are the diet and will not need another book, video or consultation to make it work.

DISCIPLINE #1 - If you are not hungry, don't eat. How many times have you eaten because "it's time for lunch", or because your friend invited you out spur of the moment, or my favorite; "can't watch the game without snacks". This is why it is a discipline, you have to be the one to say "NO, I am not hungry, I don't need anything". Enjoy the company and entertainment, you do not have to eat.

DISCIPLINE #2 - Stop stuffing yourself. Don't eat until you are full... eat until you are not hungry. You do not have to eat every bite on your plate. If you make yourself stop eating as soon as you are no longer hungry and leave the rest on your plate, you will suddenly find yourself ordering less, eating less and losing weight. Personally the biggest obstacle is wasting food. After you do this a few times you will start ordering smaller meals. Try sliding a third of the food into a napkin before you take a bite. You will feel like you are wasting money, but we are talking about your long-term health. Do this a few times you will find the discipline to do it each time.

DISCIPLINE #3 - Stop exercising. Are you crazy? If you are an exercise nut you probably don't need this diet anyway. What I mean is, just stop taking short cuts and being lazy. Stay active. Park way out at the mall and walk some more, no elevators, don't drive through a car wash, do it yourself(and save the money). Replace one hour a day of TV with a bike ride or a walk in the park. Life gets tough and we just want to "chill". Take the walk and then chill. This is not about the gym, this is about just not taking every short cut you can, this is about knocking the lazy stuff.

DISCIPLINE #4 - Never eat after 7pm. It is OK to go to bed feeling hungry, you can dream about having your favorite breakfast. Eating and then going to bed may be the worst habit ever.

DISCIPLINE #5 - No Snacks. That sounds impossible I know. Try a tall glass of water, it will fill you up right away and you will not want a snack. When you are watching TV, try flexing a small weight, like 2 pounds, it will keep your hands busy and will be good for you. Do a word puzzle, do your nails, squeeze one of those stress balls. Keep your hands busy, not your mouth.

DISCIPLINE #6 - Be true to yourself. You know your worst food habits. Pick one and quit, forever. This is a big deal. It will create some faith in yourself that you can do it and then all of a sudden all of this will become routine, just a part of your daily lifestyle, not a big deal. The author's choice was french fries, none since. So even though I am still trying to conquer all of the principles, knowing that I can do that gives me the confidence that the rest is sure to follow.

DISCIPLINE #7 - No Goals, Just Progress. Don't set numbers for yourself, they just lead to failure. Weigh yourself daily so you can know if something you did was negative or positive. Otherwise you will not be able to tell what you did good or bad. If you lose 1/2 pound you surely did pretty well. And do not beat yourself up. If you gain a pound, realize it and don't repeat the mistake.

This is a diet of believing in yourself, finding your strengths and building on them, identifying your weaknesses and correcting them. Eat whatever you want, but not so much. You do not need 6 pieces of pizza. Just eat until you are not hungry. By the end of the second slice you are not hungry, now you are just eating to be eating and then you are stuffed and feel terrible. You are better than that, you can do this. Let yourself be the diet, love yourself and be healthy.

Danny Zwolenski, the author, is an experienced believer of a self-help lifestyle. Come see the healthy lifestyle offerings and alternative products he has at his online store. []

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