How to Workout With Just a Weight Bench

If you think you need a pill to get into shape, think again. Since diet pills may vary in their effectiveness and may be unsafe for use. You can be fit with a consistent set of exercises on a weight bench. With the aid of the force of gravity, you can strengthen your core muscle groups. Here are five tips for workout with a weight bench:

1. Use milk jugs to replicate free weights if you do not have one. Work your biceps and triceps on your weight bench with plastic milk jugs which are emptied of milk and filled with water. Experiment with a different kind of liquid has a different result.

2. Sit upright on the end of your weight bench with your legs together so that your feet are flat on the floor. Keep a jug or free weight in each hand and let your arms hang limp at your sides. Start with the right hand, bring the milk jug on your chest, bend your arm at the elbow. Lower your arm slowly to the starting position. Repeat with your left arm. Count one repetition. Repeat this process until you complete 12-15 repetitions. Finish a set. Complete three sets of arm curls before moving to the next exercise.

3. Strengthen your triceps by lying with your back flat on the bench. Pull up your knees so your feet are flat on the end of the bench. Grab a milk jug in each hand and hold them near your ears. With elbows bent, straighten your arms so that the milk jugs directly extend above your shoulders. Pull them slowly close to your ears. Count one repetition. Repeat this step until you complete 12-15 repetitions. Finish a set. Complete three sets of this before moving on to the next exercise.

4. Strengthen your legs by performing dumbbell lunges. Grab a milk jug or free weight in each hand. Place your left leg on the couch while bending and your knee directly above your left ankle. Step up, leaving all your weight on your left foot. Slowly return your right leg back to the floor. Repeat 12-15 times, then switch legs so that your right foot is up on the bench and perform 12-15 right leg lunges. Finish a set. Complete three sets of lunges before moving on to the next exercise.

5. Strengthen your abdominal muscles by performing flat leg crunches on your weight bench. Sit on the bench so that your legs extend over the end of the bench. Grasp the sides of the weight bench with your hands on the bench and just above your hips. Lean back so that your elbows rest on the couch. Push with your hands while pulling up your knees to your face. Make sure you feel the tension in your abdominal muscles. Perform 12-15 reps and add a set. Complete at least three sets.

Some helpful tips for optimal results.

• Try to do at least three times a week
• After strength training, every day, have a day of rest or work out different muscle groups on consecutive days.
• The training should not last longer than one hour.
• Make sure you have enough energy for the workout.
• Fill your power after the strength training and get enough protein to allow your muscles recover.
• Do not rest more than a minute between sets.

You want to buy best weight bench for your training, visit our website to know about best weight bench.

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