Getting Killer Six-Pack Abs

Getting six-pack abs does not require fancy machinery, in spite of what late-night television commercials might tell you. You can obtain a six-pack yourself, in the comfort of your home without going to the gym every other day, and still get a well-defined, sexy six-pack.

If that is the case, why doesn't every guy have a killer six-pack? The reason is not every guy is doing them right, or doing the right combination of exercises. Try the following steps to work your abs to perfection:

1. Always eat nutritious food and get adequate overall exercise.

Abdominal muscles exist below the layer of abdominal fat, and thus doing exercises that target those muscles correctly will not yield visual results unless you can minimize the layer of fat above these muscles. Many guys get frustrated when they do endless crunches and can't see abs forming, while still eating whatever they want and doing no real cardio. Make sure your diet is high in lean protein and low in refined carbohydrates and work some cardiovascular exercise into your daily routine.

2. Do traditional crunches but do them right.

Many people do not do crunches efficiently. Bend your legs at a 90° angle, cross your arms over your chest, and lift your torso up only six to ten inches off the floor. Crunches done this way prevents strain to your neck muscles. Likewise, be sure to do crunches slowly -- many people 'flop' back down, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of the crisis.

3. Try the plank crunch.

The plank position begins with your forearms on the ground and your body straight as in the push-up position. Start with your right knee and bring it forward towards your right elbow, then return to the plank position. Repeat this process with your left knee. This is one ab exercises that will target your whole core; which other ab exercises can not do.

4. Add bicycle crunches to your workout.

Put your hands behind your head, lie on your back with your legs raised and bent at a 90° angle. Bring your right elbow towards your left knee then your left elbow towards your right knee. Like traditional crunches, these should be done slowly and deliberately to get the best result.

5. Get cross-crunching, too.

Lie on your back with legs and arms diagonally out so that your body forms an "X." Keep your arms and legs straight, and bring your right hand towards your left foot, then your left hand towards your right foot, being sure to lift your head, neck, and shoulders off the ground. This exercise will target your lower abs, making sure that your abs get a well-balanced total workout.

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