7 Excellent Food Sources For Your Muscle Building Diet

Bulking up largely depends on your muscle building diet. You may be working out all you want but if you're lacking in food nourishment and the right nutrition, you won't be able to build your dream physique. The foods and nutrition that you take in is actually the make or break factor in your muscle building endeavor. You'll want to create an environment that's conducive for muscle growth, and you do this with the aid of the nutrients that you consume from foods and supplements. You've probably come across long lists of muscle building foods, but here's a select -few of muscle building foods that constantly come up in the true bodybuilder's shopping list:

Egg whites is a source of pure protein. This muscle building diet food source has a fat to protein ratio of 60:1. Otherwise called as a magnificent muscle growth food, egg whites also has an extremely high biological value. Egg whites is a large source of protein that is readily utilized by the body for protein synthesis. This rich protein food contains carbohydrates and vitamins and minerals as well.

Chicken and turkey are lean meats for building serious muscle. These foods are staples in every bodybuilder's workout diet. Chicken and turkey breasts are excellent sources of high-quality protein. They contain extremely low amounts of saturated and trans fats.

Fish is a rich source of omega-3 essential fatty acids. Although it's normally recommended in a muscle building diet to eat less fat, fish is an exception to that. Oil from fish supports the muscle building process. Go for cold water fishes such as trout, tuna, salmon and sardines contain sufficient amounts of healthy protein and fats. Add canned fish packed in water in your shopping list. It's a quick protein source for munching especially when you're on the go.

Beans and legumes are delicious sources of fiber and protein. Serious muscle builder should not ignore the power of beans and legumes in building muscles. Eating fiber-rich foods supports normal bowel movement and regulates the secretion of insulin in your body. These nutrients aid in the proper absorption of nutrients taken in from foods and supplements. Eat plenty of kidney beans, too. One cup of kidney beans contains 14 grams of protein and fiber.

Lean red meat is an excellent protein source for hard gainers. Cuts of red meat and lean ground beef are excellent food sources for growing muscle mass. They contain ample amounts of zinc, iron, protein and B Vitamins. If you're a hard gainer, chomp up more red meats that contain plenty of calories per serving. Then again, limit your intake of red meats because it is high in saturated fats. Refrain from eating them on a daily basis. In your weekly diet, add red meat to turkey, chicken and fish. It'll add variety and flavor to your muscle building diet.

Low glycemic carbs fuel your muscles. These are slow burning carbs found in sweet potatoes and oatmeal are excellent pre-workout snacks. You build muscles not only with protein nourishment but with carbs, too. When you workout, you use carbs found in your muscles as fuel. So when bulking up your muscles with weights, fuel yourself with slow-digesting carbs, or else your intensity decreases.

Drink 10 liters of water daily to keep yourself hydrated. Doing so will keep your muscles looking full. Due to misinformation, some bodybuilders think that the most important element in building muscles is meat. However, the truth is, water should be the no. 1 item in your list of muscle growth requisites. Water transports nutrients to your muscle cells, and in turn making the nutrients and supplements that you take in more efficient.

There are actually more food sources that will support your muscle gaining goals, but the 7 mentioned edibles above are the basics. Build muscle mass and look good. Rev up your bodybuilding workouts with an efficient muscle building diet.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Walter_H_Menuet/1833556

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