Quickest Way To Lose Weight - How To Lose Tummy Fat

1) Stop Eating Simple Carbohydrates.

Simple carbs are the most important process whenever it comes to losing tummy fat. These reason for this is because simple carbs are just really bad for you. If you do not know what simple carbs are some examples are white bread, white pasta, white potatoes and sugars. Not only are they bad for you, but they are a poor source of energy. You will have much more energy if you got your carb sources from slow digesting carbs. Also, simple carbs do not fill you up nearly as much as slow digesting carbs. Slow digesting are exactly how they sound. They are carbs that are slowly digested by your body. Since they are slowly digested, you will be full longer and have more energy throughout the day. That's why it is essential to stop eating simple carbohydrates for anybody who is trying to lose tummy fat.

2) Be In A Caloric Deficit.

If you are trying to lose tummy fat in the quickest way, then you need to be in a caloric deficit. You need to be careful with this and not subtract more than 500 calories for calorie needs to maintain your current weight. The reason for this is because if you subtract too many calories, you will end up losing too much weight too quickly. This can actually alter your hormone levels and cause other negative effects on your body. You should lose no more than 2 lbs per week for it to be considered healthy. You may be asking yourself, "How do I figure out how much I should eat for my maintenance?" (How many calories you need to eat to keep weighing the same) This can be tricky to figure out. It may need you to tweak it until you can get it right. There are some online calculators that you can use, but you should only use these as a starting point. Reason for this is because they are not 100% accurate since we vary from person to person. So once you type your information into these calculators, just test out the number of calories it suggests for a week. If you weigh the exact same after 1-2 weeks, then that is your maintenance. Once that is determined, subtract anywhere from 400-500 calories. This way is the quickest way to lose weight in a safe manner. It is also essential for how to lose tummy fat.

3) Don't Do Thousands Of Ab Workouts.

Yes I have said it. There is no need to do hardly any ab workouts if you are just trying to lose tummy fat. Why? Because it is pointless. I say this because I always see women doing tons and tons of ab workouts thinking it will shrink their stomach. This will never happen. Not even after doing 2,000 sets of crunches. Think about what you are actually doing whenever you do an ab workout. You are just working the muscle. That is why whenever you stand up, you can feel a contraction in your stomach. Yes, doing ab workouts will work out your muscles. But unless you want a six pack, (Most women don't), then you should not work your abdominal muscles more than once a week. If you are working them out everyday, you will be working the muscles... But that layer of fat that you do have on your stomach will just cover your actual muscles. Therefore, it is almost pointless to waste time doing tons of crunches whenever you can spend your time doing more beneficial things like cardio. Most women wouldn't expect this tip for how to lose tummy fat.

These were my 3 sure fire tips for the quickest way to lose weight on how to lose tummy fat. If you follow these 3 simple tips, I guarantee you will see results.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nicole_Zewickley

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