Cardio Exercise For Weight Loss: Is It Best? What Is?

Cardio exercise for losing weight is like giving someone a fish to satisfy their hunger while improving metabolism through muscle-building strength training is like teaching someone to fish.

People do more cardio because they want to lose weight. Cardio only burn calories. Cardio is great for stamina and endurance or to burn extra calories but not to create overall fitness.

Strength training is the better exercise choice for weight loss because while you burn calories you also create muscle mass, which fundamentally improves metabolism and makes metabolism most efficient. Later you can always add more cardio for weight control- to burn more calories.

Statistics will tell you to do cardio for the heart- for 20 minutes 3 times per week. The issue with cardio exercise is it's not an overall muscle workout.

We believe strength training is the optimal choice for overall fitness. Do cardio to get ready for your strength workout.

An ideal workout (with an ideal cardio to strength ratio) would begin with approximately 20% cardio exercise, followed by approximately 80% strength exercise.

Many strength movements done in a gym can be adapted for an at-home workout.

A great way to start a workout is with a light 5-10 minute cardio warm-up to get the body temperature ready for a strength workout.

Starting with 45 minutes of cardio exercise and then working out with weights would use too much energy on exercise that's not for building muscle.

Include 2 strength movements for each main body part. An ideal approach would be to work chest, back, shoulders, arms, legs, abs- in that order.

Move from one body part to the next based upon the fact that the muscles required for a given movement are neighboring muscles.

Notice how your body is feeling in the moment and (intuitively) make adjustments accordingly. Adjustments are good and should be expected. An intuitive approach (to all exercise) can help keep you injury free.

Here's some basic movements:

Chest: incline dumbbell presses and flys.
Back: pulldowns and cable rows.
Shoulders: lateral raises, standing dumbbells presses.
Arms: dumbbell/ barbell curls for biceps, push-downs for triceps.
Legs: presses, dead-lifts.
Abs: sit-ups, flutters, or leg lifts, on a bench or on the floor.

If people don't want to get onto the floor they can use a bench. Start with movements that use larger body parts.

Chest and back are larger body parts than shoulders and arms. When working larger parts you indirectly use smaller assist muscles in shoulders and arms- a smart and sneaky way of getting it all.

To start the ab exercise, the feet are hooked onto something while you're "pulsing" the abs- keeping constant pressure on the ab muscles: you don't "open up" all the way when doing crunches, flutters or scissor leg lifts.

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Article Source:'Brien

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