6 Easy Tips For Losing Weight

It is hard to lose weight, but there are a few things you can do to help speed up the process.

I know you won't want to hear this, but the best thing to do is exercise. Even if it is just a little bit, as long as it is more movement than what you have done lately, it will help. Walk up the stairs instead of using the elevator. If you have too many floors to go up, then try walking part way up and then take the elevator.

If you live near by a store and only need to get a couple of items, then try walking instead of driving. Even better, you can ride a bike. As long as you move, it is going to help. If you have to drive, park further away from your destination than usual. That way, you will need to walk a little more to get there.

If you find that you get hungry while you are out doing errands, pack a healthy snack. Instead of buying that candy bar or little bag of chips (I am guilty of this), you can grab your snack and satisfy your hunger in a healthy way. Keep a little baggie of something like pretzel sticks in your glove compartment and you will always have a snack with you.

Working out with a friend can help too. Having someone to support and encourage you will help keep you going. It will also help if you find working out to be very boring (I do). Set a time to meet up and workout or just take a walk. If you have a friend that doesn't live close by, Skype them, it is free. You can use Skype to see and talk to each other while you do your workout. I have used Skype for this and it is very motivating to know that I don't have to workout alone. Of course this will only work if you have a webcam, but they are pretty inexpensive these days. It doesn't have to be a high quality webcam.

Drinking plenty of water everyday before a meal will make your stomach think it is full before you even finish your meal. It can also boost your metabolism, which will help you burn more fat. Plus, it has added benefits. For instance, water can help flush out your kidneys and remove toxins and it helps relieve constipation. If you don't like plain water, there are plenty of flavors you can get to add to it. You don't need to buy water bottles to use those flavorings. You can just add it to your cup of water. The best part about water is that it has zero calories.

Drinking less pop (regular and diet) can help with weight loss considerably. If you drink pop, then you can lose weight just by not drinking it or at least cutting down on it. Even if you drink diet pop, it will still keep you from losing weight. Be careful though. If you drink a lot, then you will need to cut it out slowing. Your body is use to the caffeine and you could have withdrawals. One of the withdrawals that people experience is severe headaches. Headaches from withdrawals can be very painful. I unfortunately know from experience. To learn more about withdrawal symptoms, visit this link.

Eating fewer sweets can also help you lose weight. I know, I know, you live for your sweets, me too. Try cutting out just half of the sweets you eat right now. Little by little, you can cut them out almost completely. I say almost because, who wants to live without sweets. Sweets can give you energy, but it doesn't last very long. You will crash and burn later in the day. Plus, eating too many sweets will just make you want more to eat later. Try going one whole day without your sweets and drink plenty of water throughout the day. I think you will see a difference in your appetite.

Find more tips plus, tutorials, articles, free software and more. Visit [http://www.tipsforeveryone.elementfx.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Teresa_L_Thomas

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