3 Simple Ways To Lose Your Belly Fat

That dreaded belly fat is going to be the death of some people, figuratively and maybe even literally. Belly fat seems to be the toughest to get rid of no matter what you do to try. You can do crunches until you're blue in the face and it doesn't seem to make a difference. You can starve yourself (which isn't recommended, by the way) without seeing any difference. You think you've tried everything and you're at a loss as to what to do to get rid of it. Well, here are 3 ways to lose the belly fat that you may not have considered yet.

1. Try To Eliminate Stress - Stress is one of the worst things you can have when you're trying to get rid of your belly fat. Stress increases the production of cortisol in your body which is bad, bad, bad when you're trying to get rid of that belly fat because the cortisol holds on tight to the fat storage in your abdominal area. When that happens, it becomes near impossible to shed any of those pounds off your belly. So cut out as much of the stress in your life as possible as you will begin to lose that belly fat.

2. Get Plenty of Sleep - As with stress, not getting enough sleep can also cause your cortisol levels to skyrocket and it will throw your hormones off balance making it difficult for you to lose any of that weight in your belly. You should strive to get 6 to 8 hours of sleep every night. When you stay up late and aren't getting those required hours of sleep you're just asking for trouble. If you can get yourself into a routine to get to bed around the same time every night and allow yourself to sleep for at least 6 hours, but as close to 8 as you can manage, then you may finally begin to see some difference in your weight loss efforts.

3. Garcinia Cambogia - You're probably looking at that like it's in a foreign language, but it's not; it's English and it is the name of a very effective and fast-working diet and health supplement. When you start taking Garcinia Cambogia you will stop being so hungry all the time and you will drop the pounds pretty quick. It works because it suppresses your appetite so you eat less and have less cravings for all those unhealthy (but you gotta admit, very tasty) things like cookies, candy, and cake. Garcinia Cambogia also blocks additional fats from being stored in your body and helps to expel them while also working to burn off the existing fats that are stored in your body. You also get the added benefits of feeling more energetic, being in a better mood, and improving sleep and your overall health.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lilly_Williams

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