Three Steps to Unlimited Motivation

Today I give you the secret combination to unlock once and for all how to get motivated and stay motivated.

What I share with you today will not only help you achieve your health and fitness goals but give you the ultimate power to completely change your entire life!

I realize the word "Secret" is used very loosely today, but after sixteen years of coaching, the line between success and failure always comes back to what I reveal today, regardless of size, shape, age, circumstance, or any other excuse you may have used in the past to justify not getting what you want or living the life you want to live. I believe this truly is the Holy Grail, a real legitimate secret to success. Master this and you'll have the power to achieve anything you desire in life.

The problem is very few people who set a fitness & health goal, or any other goal for that matter, actually follow through and accomplish the goal. In my experience, only about one percent actually follows through and succeeds. Every January, for example, weight loss is the top resolution and millions head back into the gyms to shed the extra trimmings from the holidays. Thirty days later, like clockwork, the majority of those folks have already given up and quit, never to be seen again until maybe next year.

Based on statistics, it's likely that you've started a new fitness or weight loss plan at some point, lost motivation, and ultimately failed to reach your goals.

But why... ? What stops us from following through... ?

The answer starts with a question. I've asked this question to many, and I ask you today. What do you think drives motivation more, pain or pleasure?

Let's reflect for a minute on childhood to find the answer. For many of us, we can relate to these experiences, if not, I'm sure you'll understand.

•Say a bad word... get a soap bar shoved in our mouths.

•Want to drink a beer with dad... dad say's okay, but you can't drink just one, you have to drink this six pack... no problem... two cans later you're vomiting.

•Do something bad... get whipped with the belt or maybe dad's hand.

In all of these situations what is the common thread that most of the time kept us from ever doing it again... ?

The answer is fear. More specifically, the fear of pain.

The secret revealed...

Pain drives human behavior and motivation, and your success in life is based on the pain associations you have linked up in your brain. It's when you learn to use your pain and pleasure associations to your advantage, that you'll unlock your true potential.

Accomplishing a goal requires a linked association with ultimate pleasure, and ultimate pain with NOT accomplishing the goal.

For example, if losing weight is linked in your mind with more pain than pleasure you'll likely never accomplish the weight loss you desire. So if you've tried and failed in the past, the reason is, you have too much pain or negativity associated with getting the job done. Some examples of these negative or painful links would be "don't have time, too busy, don't want to spend the money, don't want to be pushed, don't want to be accountable, don't want to sweat, takes too long, too much work, etc."

Let's look more closely at one of the most common ones. Most people associate losing weight with dieting. The first 3 letters in the word spell "Die", and that's how most people feel, like they'd rather die than diet. With healthy nutrition accounting for ninety percent of weight loss results, you can see how this negative or painful link would prevent you from following through and accomplishing your goals. Yes you want it, but you have too much pain and negativity associated with it to make it a reality.

I don't want to make this confusing for you or get too physiological with you, but again, I truly believe recognizing and changing these links will transform your life. Just think back to those simple childhood experiences. Here's another one...

What's the one thing kids fear about going to the doctors... ? Getting a needle, right? They don't associate going to the doctor with feeling better, they associate it with negativity and pain and will do anything to avoid going to see the doctor. As adults, we do the same exact thing, and that's what is holding us back from living the life we deserve!

Here's an example that resonates with many adults... public speaking.

Most adults link public speaking with ultimate pain and have a true fear of doing it, some fear public speaking more than death. This holds people back from experiencing something that could be very fulfilling. I, on the other hand, link public speaking with ultimate pleasure, which has provided me with many tremendous opportunities in life.

Bottom line is this...

If you want success, you must change what it means to you and link your goals with ultimate pleasure.

Get started today with these three steps...

1. DECIDE- All success begins with a clear concise decision on knowing exactly what you want. Many people set goals that are fuzzy, without being sure what they really want. You must have clarity on exactly what you want to achieve.

2. SURRENDER-You have to open the door for change by surrendering yourself. You've decided to make a change, now you have to be willing to do whatever it takes to get from point A to point B. Unfortunately, many people set themselves up for failure by setting boundaries on accomplishing their goals. "I want to lose weight, but I don't want a nutrition coach." This is a great example of a self sabotaged goal. Fact is, in most cases if you knew how to eat properly you wouldn't be overweight, even if you never exercise. If you want to lose weight, you must invest in a nutrition coach... period.

3. LOOK IN THE MIRROR- You must have the courage to look in the mirror, face the cold hard facts and confront the reality of what it means if you DON'T accomplish this goal. Where will you be physically, emotionally, professionally etc. in 3 to 5 years if you don't accomplish your goals. This is your "Why", your driving force behind motivation. This will be the fuel in the fire keeping you motivated long term.

Again here's the secret...

Link NOT achieving your goals with ULTIMATE PAIN and link successfully achieving your goals with ultimate pleasure and nothing will stand in your way ever again.

Follow the three simple steps above. Decide today what you want, stop making excuses and be willing to do whatever it takes to get it done, and kick fear in the teeth... confronting the ramifications of not taking action now.

Find your "why" and change your life!

About Chris Gray: Chris has been in the fitness industry for a decade now where he has made his mark as one of Delaware's top trainers and club owners facilitating the body transformation of thousands. Chris is a Best Selling Fitness Author with his latest book "3 Steps To Your Best Body In Record Time" hitting #1 in multiple categories on Chris has also been featured in Men's Health Magazine and many online and local media. His very unique kettlebell training center is literally changing lives using techniques and equipment never before seen by most.If you're ready to begin your fitness and fat loss journey please call 1-302-730-1600 right now to receive a complimentary private fitness and health Consultation (valued at $87).

If you're not yet ready for our free consultation offer, please visit [] to instantly download a free report revealing "The Truth About Fat Loss", plus 4 other bonus reports from Dover's premier fitness expert.

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