The 3 Iron Rules of Weight Loss

There are too many diet books and personal nutrition books out there that try to mystify weight loss. They give the process of shedding pounds an almost mystical aura. The truth is there is no mystery to losing weight. Stripped to its most basic, the process of losing weight involves three key basic rules. If you follow these rules, you benefit from them and the results go straight to your waistline-a slimmer one at that. Keep these basic rules in mind. What makes them 'iron rules'? They are unchanging and have withstood the test of time. Regardless of how many fad diets come and go, these iron rules still apply. People have used them to get thin in the past and many more will continue to use them to get slim in the future.

Iron Rule #1: Eat Less and Exercise More

Your body runs on the energy you consume. You need energy to get going and to keep going. You burn energy whenever you breathe, blink, think, breathe, digest, among many others. In fact, everything your body does takes energy. The problem with energy is when your body already has enough fuel, the excess gets stored as fat. Losing fat is as simple as ensuring that whatever energy you take in is not stored. So if you are going to eat 2000 calories of energy daily, make sure your body metabolizes all of these calories through your daily activities and exercise. If you want to lose weight, you need to deplete the stored energy by exercising more and boosting your metabolism. I have to emphasize the latter factor. Most people already know that exercising burns calories but most people are not aware of the fact that exercise alone cannot help people burn off all their excess calories. Even if you spend a huge amount of time doing cardiovascular exercises, this can only burn so many calories. To burn off your extra flab, you have to boost your metabolism. Your metabolism eats up energy in a passive way-when you breathe or digest, you burn calories. Metabolism is boosted by exercising. While your daily exercise routine will not directly burn off all your extra calories, such exercise boosts your metabolism so you're burning calories throughout the day.

Iron Rule #2: Things get easier with repetition

One of the hardest part of dieting is starting one and staying on it. You can gain some comfort from Iron Rule #2. The more you do something, the easier it gets. Your body is very adaptable and if you have set up a new diet and exercise routine, your body will get used to it. Also, if you adopt a lifestyle instead of go on a diet, it will be harder for you to get off this new nutrition routine since it has become hardwired to your daily activities.

Iron Rule #3: If you do the same thing for 21 days, it becomes a habit

Finally, rest assured that if you eat less and more around more for 21 days straight, it will become a habit. Eventually, you'll feel guilty and your body will put up a fight if you try to stop your routine. Just keep to your diet and exercise regimen for 21 days straight and it will start developing a momentum of its own. The 21 day rule is solid-it works for addictions like smoking and alcohol, and it works for losing weight too.

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