Fitness Motivation - Start Now Not Tomorrow

Before you begin diet and exercise you need to brainstorm and plan out your action plan. First you need to decide your short-term goals as well as your long-term goals. You need to decide if you're looking to lose weight or if you're looking to bulk up and get fit. Or maybe you would like to take a more hybrid approach and get fit and lean muscle. These are all important things to think about before you jump into any diet or exercise routine.

Once you know exactly what you're looking for you need to start taking slow steps. If you jump too quickly you may have a higher chance of quitting early. You also need to remember to slowly start the diet instead of quitting all your favorite food at once. So now that you have your plan you need to start counting your calorie intake. If you need more information on calorie intake, take a look online or through your mobile app store. I use my mobile cell phone app for calorie intake so I'm always up to date on what I'm putting in my body. It may seem like a lot of work but once you start making it a routine, it goes a lot smoother.

We need to discuss our next point of interest. Diet. This four-letter word scares a lot of people but it doesn't have to if you understand how your body works. Remember that you do not need to stop eating your favorite food right away. If you eat in small portions and slowly cut your fatty food intake you'll do wonders on your body and you won't give up as quickly. A huge reason most people fail diets is because they overwhelm themselves with too much tasks at once without slowly going into the diet. If you notice you cannot stop eating snacks, try replacing your snacks for a healthier snack such as carrots or vegetables. Instead of eating potato chips, try low-fat wheat chips or an alternative.

Some ideas to help you lose weight:

Make menus for yourself ahead of time so you know what you'll be eating.
Follow the basic eating rules such as breakfast, lunch, dinner.
Drink as much water as you can.

If you follow those three steps above it will also cut your weight. Another good idea is to try a low carb diet. Just be sure if you decide to work out, you still include enough carbs.

If you need more information on fitness or diet supplements, feel free to check out my page at Thank you again.

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