Getting Muscular, Stronger and Bigger Without Getting Fat!

I'm following A Muscle Building Course and doing really good. I'm getting so much stronger, bigger and muscular but my body fat is getting a little higher, why is that? And how can I prevent that from happening while not screwing up my muscle gains?

The answer is easy. I can see you neglected the diet on the weekends.

Because a lot of people think you can "out-train" a bad diet especially when the training is going really well as in your case.

Some people think you can eat whatever you want as long as you go to the gym.

Bad thing to think, a lean and muscular body is a combo of good nutrition AND training!

Lifting weights and cardio won't burn enough calories for that and junk food or empty calorie foods will not build muscle.

So we all have to eat right on top of going to the gym.

I know I would get a fat belly again if I ate junk food all day again.

As an example, a plate of pasta with white sauce and a piece of garlic toast can mean 1000 calories with little to no protein.

If you decide to eat a fast food burger with fries and coke you'll hit 1000 calories real fast, with no muscle building nutrients that your body needs.

Now try to burn a thousand calories in a single workout.

Hey, I've Squatted 315lbs for 20 reps...

... and while that's hard and intensive, it doesn't burn a thousand calories. If just kicks your metabolism up for building muscle and strength with a demand for nutritious foods.

You'd have to spend two or three hours jogging to burn that off...

... I personally don't have the time to spend three hours a day jogging, do you?

So I lift weights at the gym or in my garage, and eat nutritious foods to compliment my training.

Little junk food, mostly natural unprocessed and unrefined foods.

Because junk food is always high in sugar and fat.

Eating Junk food makes it too easy to eat more calories than your body needs.

And quite simply, if you eat more calories than you burn, your body will store it as fat.

So I train hard but eat right on top. That's how you get stronger, more muscular without getting fat, but with visible muscles.

Remember, Train smarter, not harder and diet smarter, not harder!

"FREE" Muscle Building Reports at http://Www.MiloBodyBuilding.Com
Dan Przyojski is an N.F.P.T. Certified Trainer - Mr. Toledo and Masters Mr. Michigan Bodybuilding Title Holder. Author of articles in Reps Magazine - Muscle Mag Int. and websites. Survivor of a Tragic Industrial Accident and has been featured on the cover of several health and fitness magazines

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