8 Creative Ways to Burn More Fat at Work

Are you trying to set time aside before or after work for fat burning exercise? And how is that working for you? Do you get home and make dinner only to realize that there is just simply no time left in the day for exercise? If I told you could slip extra exercise into your work routine I'm sure you would be interested!

Well here are a couple of tips you can use in order to burn more fat at work:

1. Leave your car at home! - If you live close enough to work, try walking to work or even cycling. In fact, walking is one of the easiest and healthiest ways of burning fat.

2. Stand more - because standing burns off more fat than sitting, try looking for opportunities to stand rather than sitting. You can do this by switching your 'sitting desk' to a 'standing desk', standing while eating your lunch and also walking to other department in your company instead of messaging/calling them.

3. Have a break have a... fitness break! - Instead of hanging out in the lounge with coffee and snacks at the tea/coffee break time, go for a stroll outside or do some stretching. This also improves your diet by cutting out on all the sugar that is usually associated with this break time.

4. Use a fitness ball instead of a chair - this might seem odd but is great way to burn fat, if you can balance, that is. Also you will be building your core muscles which in turn will help in the fat burning process.

5. Keep hand weights at your desk - Do a couple of arm curls in between meetings. You can even mix it up by keeping other exercise equipment such as stretchy cords that provide resistance when you pull on them.

6. Create a lunchtime walking group - this is great exercise for your lunch break, get a few work colleagues together and go for a walk! And on the plus side if you are a very social person you will love this part of your work day while burning fat!

7. Do a couple of 'walking meetings' - Instead of meeting or brainstorming at a desk, if it is practical get up and do it on the go. And besides if it is new ideas you are looking for, then the extra blood flow will definitely help the creativity juices.

8. Get there faster - if you are lucky enough to have a job that involves a lot of walking, then pick up the pace and you will burn more calories.

Well there you go, as long as you aren't wasting any time at work these tips will definitely you on your weight loss journey. You probably aren't going to replace all your 'after hour exercise' with these tips, but they will definitely make up what you are missing on the odd occasions and can get you past those few extra stubborn pounds.

Justin has been a part of the weight loss industry for a number of years, first as a consumer and now as a teacher. In his own words he says, "I used to be overweight until people started making rude comments and that is when decided that enough is enough, and lost the weight for good!" He has been at his goal weight for the last 10 years and has never looked back!

To celebrate, he has released his brand new book, 'Fat Burning Furnace!' for free for a limited time only.

You can pick up a free copy by visiting: http://burnfat.me/

You can also visit his blog at: https://dynamiclifeblog.wordpress.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Justin_Greyling/2163558

Know How You Can Lose Weight In One Week

Being overweight can be depressing, and it can even be more depressing if you are trying to lose the weight, but it seems difficult. Losing weight requires one to have determination, be focused on achieving their desired goal at the end. One must be willing to change their lifestyle and choose a healthy one that will help them attain their desired weight. One week weight loss is possible if you are ready for total commitment because this will contain much effort.

There are ways that you can use to lose weight fast and in one week and some include:

1. Taking charge of what you eat - this includes changing your diet to taking healthy foods only and also in frequent small portions. Taking charge should be in such a way that you get to eat more of fruits and vegetables and less of proteins and starch, sugar and they should be fresh. The method if cooking also changes from frying to either steaming, boiling or even eating raw if possible. It may seem impossible or untasty to some as the food will have a bland taste but if you really want to lose weight fast, you have to do this. You will also need to do away with soft drinks and alcohol as they contain too many sugars.

2. Dieting - there are many diet plans that will help you in your one-week weight loss quest. These diet plans are programmed that you only take certain foods for a certain period. For example, you may take only vegetables and fruits or even take smoothies alone, so that you reduce your calorie intake hence losing weight. The changes will be seen within a week and if you have not attained your desired weight you can try this another time. Most people will use these diet plans for a while and when they lose weight they give up on them and go back to eating normally which in turn makes them regain their weight again. It is recommended that you should diet for a while, then control your eating portions so that you maintain your desired weight.

3. Taking herbal supplements - herbal supplements are natural and a safe way losing weight fast as they contain minerals, vitamins, antioxidant and medicinal properties that will help you in many ways. Some herbs suppress appetite so that you feel full most of the time as they contain high fiber contents hence reduce the chances of binge eating. They also increase the burning of calories in the food that you consume and also facilitate the metabolic function, so that very little fat is stored in the body. Herbal supplements may contain tablets, capsules, powders and teas that are taken each day at recommended dosage.

4. Exercise - doing exercise will help and you should incorporate this with eating healthy foods. It is recommended to do exercise for more than 30 minutes and do mostly cardio and lift weights. Cardio exercise such as jogging, running, and swimming and walking will help the heart beat fast and also assist in reducing the calories in the body and increase the metabolic rate.

It is important to note that to have an effective one-week weight loss you don't have to starve so as to lose weight. If you do, you will interfere with the insulin levels in the body, and the body will respond in negative ways. If you have any medical condition, ensure that you talk to your doctor before having any of the above weight loss ideas so that they can recommend the best way you can lose weight. Children, pregnant women and breastfeed mothers should not take at in any weight loss program.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Eugene_Wallace/2204450

6 Best Protein Snacks for Weight Loss

Here are the top 6 high-protein fixes that keep the calories down and the air quality up when your body is craving a protein-rich snack.

Protein Snack #6 Hard cooked eggs

The fact is, hard-cooked eggs stink, and they won't make you the most popular person at the office or at the gym when you crack one open for your protein fix. We're including them, however, because each one is a great portable snack that contains 6 grams of protein.

Protein Snack #5: Fish

Salmon and tuna both contain 1 gram of protein for only 4 calories. 3 ounces of either fish contains 20 protein grams for a measly 130 calories, so grab yourself some snack-size tins of salmon, tuna or sardines, add a couple of high fiber crackers and feast away!

Protein Snack #4: Cheese

Mozzarella Non-fat or low-fat cheese places a close second in the protein to calorie ratio - 1 gram of protein for 4.4 calories. A 1-ounce slice of low fat mozzarella cheese contains about 40 calories and 9 grams of protein. Again, serve with a couple of good quality crackers for a delicious and nutritious protein-filled snack. But be careful here - we said low-fat or better still, non-fat. Full fat cheeses typically only provide 1 gram of protein per 20 calories, and are not a good bet if you're watching your weight.

Protein Snack #3: Greek Yogurt

Who doesn't love creamy luscious Greek yogurt? On average, a 150 gram container of 0% fat Greek yogurt offers 13 grams of protein for only 120 calories. The big bonus for those of us with a sweet tooth is that you'll honestly think you're eating a dessert!

Protein Snack #2: Cottage Cheese

One 5-ounce single serve container of non-fat plain cottage cheese contains a whopping 20 grams of protein for only 110 calories. Add some chopped red or green bell pepper, a few cherry tomatoes plus a grinding of fresh black pepper and you have a protein-packed snack that tops them all!

Protein Snack #1: Edamame

A relative newcomer to the North American snack market, edamame (they're actually soy beans still in their pods) is a tummy-filling crunchy green snack that can be eaten raw or steamed. A 90-calorie half cup microwaveable pouch of these gems provides 8 grams of muscle-building protein and 3 grams of fiber.

If you're wondering why we didn't include nuts in our list of high protein low calorie snacks, it's because they definitely are not low calorie. Each gram of protein from most nuts contains 19 calories, and well, that's just too high to be included in this list. There's no denying they're a good source of protein though, and that includes nut butters, like peanut butter, so tread carefully if you're a PB&J fan!

http://www.dealsinbulk.com Looking for some tasty, high-protein snacks to keep you going without overloading on calories? Here are some of our favorite low-cal, high-protein snacks.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Joseph_Ahern/223274

Eat Steak to Get 6 Pack Abs!

Eating steak will help you get 6 pack abs. Fun? Yes! Real? Yes!

Here's how eating steak, and other 'forbidden' food, will help you get a ripped 6 pack. Getting ripped abs is never easy, but it can be easier.

Low Carbohydrate Works

OK, why eat steak? It's tasty, satiating, and eating a low carbohydrate diet will accelerate your fat loss.

A low carbohydrate diet doesn't work for everybody. But if your metabolism is messed up it can be very helpful re-setting it back to a normal level.

The reason low carbohydrate diets will help you get 6 pack abs faster is because they minimize your body's release of the hormone insulin. Insulin is primarily released in response to dietary carbohydrates, and (if you're eating too much) insulin can really pack on fat, since one of its primary purposes is to stimulate tissue growth.

By eating less carbohydrates, you manipulate your body's hormones so that you draw on fat (either in your diet, or your body fat) primarily for fuel, rather than dietary carbohydrates. This helps many people lose weight, especially the really obese.

Also, I love eating meat! A steak is a great source of appetite satiating protein, which also helps you build muscle.

Choose A Diet You Like

Now, no matter what diet you choose you must eat less to lose weight. That's just how it works.

As long as you eat less, though, you don't need any special meal timing methods. No six small meals a day, no magic, no timing of your eating is absolutely essential.

Calories count. As long as you remember that, no matter what diet or eating scheme you choose, you'll lose weight. So choose one you like!

I usually eat a lot of vegetables and protein when I'm dieting to lose weight. The protein satiates my hunger, and vegetables fill me because I can eat a lot of them. I eat two or three orthodox, big meals and lose weight just fine.

It's not a particularly low carbohydrate diet, but the carbohydrates I am eating are healthy ones, vegetables, with lots of vitamins and not a lot of calories. And the steak tastes good, especially with a little wedge of butter on top!

If eating a sugary diet works for you, do it. But I really enjoy a good steak, and eating so that I can have a steak every day and still lose weight is very fun.

Other Than Diet, Here's What You Need To Do To Get 6 Pack Abs...

Really, diet is the most essential part of getting a ripped 6 pack. Even if your muscles are big, if you have too much fat you won't look 'ripped'.

Weight training helps a lot. It maintains your muscle mass when you diet to lose weight, and will help you put on muscle mass later. And it also burns calories, helping to accelerate your fat loss.

Running (or dancing or rock climbing or martial arts) also helps. These activities burn calories, and get you out of the house and having fun.

But if you don't control your eating, you won't get 6 pack abs. It's not possible with too much body fat. I know - I've tried all the stupid and ineffective tricks out there, so you don't have to.

What To Do Now? Start!

Don't just sit there. Start!

If you need more advice and guidance to get 6 pack abs, click on the links below. I've outlined exactly what I do to get ripped, and stay that way.

If you want to get more info about how to get ripped, check out the How To Get Abs E-Book [http://www.how-to-get-abs.com/]. Or read more info at my site, Complete Strength Training. I'm an American College of Sports Medicine certified Personal Trainer and I've been lifting heavy things, trying different diets, and practicing Japanese martial arts for quite a while. There's a lot of info about all different kinds of strength and weight training, and how to get ripped. Check it out!

- Copyright: You may freely republish this article, provided the text, author credit, active links, and this copyright notice remain intact.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Aaron_McCloud/425933

Six-Pack Abs Exercises...

Sit-ups and crunches are mainstream methods of attaining six-pack abs. On the otherhand, the chest-to-knees exercise is a harmful exercise for your back. On the contrary, working with some complex moves (excluding crunches and sit-ups), coupled with nutritious diet can help in achieving the six-pack abs desired by most.

Listed below are six exercises for achieving those ripped six-pack abs:

1. Pull-up

Clasp the pull-up bar a bit wider than length of shoulders. Now bend your legs behind, take the shoulder blades in a downward and backward position, cross the feet, tighten your abs and squeeze the buttocks. Now follow these steps:

- Pull the entire body upwards till the collarbone is at level with the bar

- Repeat the exercise

- Perform 3 reps for optimum results

- Take one minute of rest between each rep

2. Medicine ball slam

Hold a medicine ball and keep it above your head.

- Maintain an upright posture

- Throw the ball downwards with full force

- Repeat the exercise in 3 reps

- Take one minute of rest in between.

3. Ab-wheel roll-out

The individual should position himself in a kneeling position. Hold an ab-wheel's handle keeping the shoulders and hands in sync. Now move the hips forward while rolling this ab-wheel outwards. Just an arm movement is required; keep the back flat at all times. If the body gets misbalanced, it's time to stop the exercise.

- Repeat the exercise in 3 reps

- Take one minute of rest in between.

4. Pall-off press

Hold a D-handle and connect it to the cable cross machine. Fix the pulley to chest height. Stand at a two feet distance and pull the handle to your chest. Push the handle in a straight line so as to maintain the position of the exercise. Return the handle back to its original position.

- 10 reps for each side

- Take one minute rest in between

5. Barbell landmine

The barbell is stuck between two walls in the corner. Hold the barbell by its one end and bring it close to your chest. Using both hands, press barbell out from the chest with laced fingers. Keep the arms in line, move the shoulders to one side and onto to the other. Now, return to original position.

- Repeat this exercise in 3 reps

- Take one minute break

6. Pendulum

With back on the floor, raise the legs to a 90 degree angle, analogous to a right angled triangle. Keeping the legs straight up, bring them down on the floor to left and then right. This technique hurts quite a bit in the gut.

- Repeat the process multiple times

- Take one minute break

Being an avid freelancer, I tend to write on multitudes of topics. EzineArticles is one such generous platform to allow us writers to expand their capabilities.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Umar_Asad/2170110

Eat Steak to Get 6 Pack Abs!...

Eating steak will help you get 6 pack abs. Fun? Yes! Real? Yes!

Here's how eating steak, and other 'forbidden' food, will help you get a ripped 6 pack. Getting ripped abs is never easy, but it can be easier.

Low Carbohydrate Works

OK, why eat steak? It's tasty, satiating, and eating a low carbohydrate diet will accelerate your fat loss.

A low carbohydrate diet doesn't work for everybody. But if your metabolism is messed up it can be very helpful re-setting it back to a normal level.

The reason low carbohydrate diets will help you get 6 pack abs faster is because they minimize your body's release of the hormone insulin. Insulin is primarily released in response to dietary carbohydrates, and (if you're eating too much) insulin can really pack on fat, since one of its primary purposes is to stimulate tissue growth.

By eating less carbohydrates, you manipulate your body's hormones so that you draw on fat (either in your diet, or your body fat) primarily for fuel, rather than dietary carbohydrates. This helps many people lose weight, especially the really obese.

Also, I love eating meat! A steak is a great source of appetite satiating protein, which also helps you build muscle.

Choose A Diet You Like

Now, no matter what diet you choose you must eat less to lose weight. That's just how it works.

As long as you eat less, though, you don't need any special meal timing methods. No six small meals a day, no magic, no timing of your eating is absolutely essential.

Calories count. As long as you remember that, no matter what diet or eating scheme you choose, you'll lose weight. So choose one you like!

I usually eat a lot of vegetables and protein when I'm dieting to lose weight. The protein satiates my hunger, and vegetables fill me because I can eat a lot of them. I eat two or three orthodox, big meals and lose weight just fine.

It's not a particularly low carbohydrate diet, but the carbohydrates I am eating are healthy ones, vegetables, with lots of vitamins and not a lot of calories. And the steak tastes good, especially with a little wedge of butter on top!

If eating a sugary diet works for you, do it. But I really enjoy a good steak, and eating so that I can have a steak every day and still lose weight is very fun.

Other Than Diet, Here's What You Need To Do To Get 6 Pack Abs...

Really, diet is the most essential part of getting a ripped 6 pack. Even if your muscles are big, if you have too much fat you won't look 'ripped'.

Weight training helps a lot. It maintains your muscle mass when you diet to lose weight, and will help you put on muscle mass later. And it also burns calories, helping to accelerate your fat loss.

Running (or dancing or rock climbing or martial arts) also helps. These activities burn calories, and get you out of the house and having fun.

But if you don't control your eating, you won't get 6 pack abs. It's not possible with too much body fat. I know - I've tried all the stupid and ineffective tricks out there, so you don't have to.

What To Do Now? Start!

Don't just sit there. Start!

If you need more advice and guidance to get 6 pack abs, click on the links below. I've outlined exactly what I do to get ripped, and stay that way.

If you want to get more info about how to get ripped, check out the How To Get Abs E-Book [http://www.how-to-get-abs.com/]. Or read more info at my site, Complete Strength Training. I'm an American College of Sports Medicine certified Personal Trainer and I've been lifting heavy things, trying different diets, and practicing Japanese martial arts for quite a while. There's a lot of info about all different kinds of strength and weight training, and how to get ripped. Check it out!

- Copyright: You may freely republish this article, provided the text, author credit, active links, and this copyright notice remain intact.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Aaron_McCloud/425933

Six-Pack Abs Exercises

Sit-ups and crunches are mainstream methods of attaining six-pack abs. On the otherhand, the chest-to-knees exercise is a harmful exercise for your back. On the contrary, working with some complex moves (excluding crunches and sit-ups), coupled with nutritious diet can help in achieving the six-pack abs desired by most.

Listed below are six exercises for achieving those ripped six-pack abs:

1. Pull-up

Clasp the pull-up bar a bit wider than length of shoulders. Now bend your legs behind, take the shoulder blades in a downward and backward position, cross the feet, tighten your abs and squeeze the buttocks. Now follow these steps:

- Pull the entire body upwards till the collarbone is at level with the bar

- Repeat the exercise

- Perform 3 reps for optimum results

- Take one minute of rest between each rep

2. Medicine ball slam

Hold a medicine ball and keep it above your head.

- Maintain an upright posture

- Throw the ball downwards with full force

- Repeat the exercise in 3 reps

- Take one minute of rest in between.

3. Ab-wheel roll-out

The individual should position himself in a kneeling position. Hold an ab-wheel's handle keeping the shoulders and hands in sync. Now move the hips forward while rolling this ab-wheel outwards. Just an arm movement is required; keep the back flat at all times. If the body gets misbalanced, it's time to stop the exercise.

- Repeat the exercise in 3 reps

- Take one minute of rest in between.

4. Pall-off press

Hold a D-handle and connect it to the cable cross machine. Fix the pulley to chest height. Stand at a two feet distance and pull the handle to your chest. Push the handle in a straight line so as to maintain the position of the exercise. Return the handle back to its original position.

- 10 reps for each side

- Take one minute rest in between

5. Barbell landmine

The barbell is stuck between two walls in the corner. Hold the barbell by its one end and bring it close to your chest. Using both hands, press barbell out from the chest with laced fingers. Keep the arms in line, move the shoulders to one side and onto to the other. Now, return to original position.

- Repeat this exercise in 3 reps

- Take one minute break

6. Pendulum

With back on the floor, raise the legs to a 90 degree angle, analogous to a right angled triangle. Keeping the legs straight up, bring them down on the floor to left and then right. This technique hurts quite a bit in the gut.

- Repeat the process multiple times

- Take one minute break

Being an avid freelancer, I tend to write on multitudes of topics. EzineArticles is one such generous platform to allow us writers to expand their capabilities.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Umar_Asad/2170110